Temporary Protected Status

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security authorized temporary protected status for Burmese, Syrians, and Venezuelans a while ago. In early August 2021, the Department of Homeland Security extended the initial registration period for Burmese, Syrian, and Venezuelans eligible to file new applications (I-821 Form) for protected status. Rather than limit initial registration to 180 days, the Department of Homeland Security extends the initial registration period to 18 months, which is the same time period as the designation for temporary protected status.

As time passed, the Department of Homeland Security updated the guidelines to apply for temporary protected status. For updated information impacting Burmese nationals, Syrians, and Venezuelans, please view U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service’s website and choose the relevant nation. The drop-down menus will provide information such as registration periods, continuous residence, and continuous physical presence requirements. Applicants may submit the I-821 Form to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services by filing the application online. A foreign national encountering financial difficulty may request a fee waiver (I-912 Form) when filing an I-821 application.